Sunday, November 30, 2008

a few images

installation views at 4731 gallery....

Palimpsest: Archives

more to come... i have quite a few to sort through.


my solo show, CODEX, opened in the beginning of November. i have a lot of images, and am now in the process of tearing down the show in the gallery. it is a strange feeling to see all of the work i have made in a year, collected in one big room, and it feels stranger still to now move it all back to my small studio. i hope it will give me a bit of perspective.

my December task is applying to three graduate programs. i feel like i am ready for a more rigorous course of study, but it seems so long since i've been in an academic environment that i have to re-adjust. i am excited to do so...

i'll get some images together and post them here, hopefully it will help my review process so i can plan my portfolio. daunting, but exciting.